Professional Services Automation (PSA)
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Customer Relationship Management Plus (CRM+)

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WorkWeb is a Professional Services Automation (PSA) Software Suite that provides all-in-one software for Sales, Operations, Manufacturing and Financials.

WorkWeb has a CRM at its core and provides Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions to businesses.

WorkWeb is a Software as a Service (SaaS) Cloud system.

Types of Businesses that use WorkWeb

WorkWeb has a price point that can be fully justified in its cost/value for a wide range of customer sizes.  Customers can begin using WorkWeb for less than $50 per month for 1 person on our base CRM & PowerTools systems.  Customers can scale up with WorkWeb to hundreds of employees in practical terms.  Companies with thousands of employees would more likely be inclined towards one of the 800-pound gorillas in the industry such as but not limited to Oracle and Salesforce Enterprise, etc.  WorkWeb pricing is built to maintain a cost/value footprint that is more ideal for the 80% of the businesses that populate the planet that are in the Small to Medium Sized Businesses (SMB).

WorkWeb Customers

There are some similarities in the WorkWeb customers in a couple different groups.

Micro, Solopreneur, Startup companies that use WorkWeb have access to enterprise class functionality with extreme customization at a price point that is justifiable.  These companies can range between 1-5 person teams or 1-30 person teams.  These usually are targeting growth into the hundreds of employees.

Established businesses that use WorkWeb typically express that before utilizing WorkWeb, they had too many different systems and too many manual processes leveraging key personnel to scale up while maintaining balance and quality. 

These companies typically have between 20-80 employees, $5-$50M Annual Revenue, a few owners, a few VP’s, a dedicated sales team, a dedicated operations team, a dedicated finance team, a dedicated project management team, a technical team with fleet vehicle dispatch, a dedicated ticket team, a dedicated warehouse team, a dedicated manufacturing team.  These usually are targeting growth into the hundreds of employees.

Small and medium sized businesses are forced to swallow a hard pill – being small is less efficient because automation technology is expensive.  Mid-Large and Enterprise companies are if nothing else, usually extremely efficient because they have a wider deployment of integrated software and automation systems.  SMB’s at the 20-50 employee mark are usually not only growing into one expensive system but they are maturing into multiple expensive systems and processes at the same time.  For example, companies across the country need to hustle in their investments to uplift their cybersecurity maturity levels.  Decision makers in the company are trying to make purchasing decisions are balancing dueling priorities for the limited budgets.  One of the big-ticket budget items in the growth of a company is a more unified software driven process approach.  The 800-pound gorilla companies in the database market also have gorilla sized cost propositions.  SMB’s that are going to scale into the Mid-Large footprint often work with a higher level of inefficiency compared to the relatively high efficiency realized from reducing the number of systems and unifying a larger and larger portion of the workforce and technologies to a single platform such as Salesforce Enterprise because the cost propositions are so high.  The key financial detail in the decision is the overall profitability of the company with less efficiency on low-cost systems compared the profitability of the company with higher efficiency on high-cost unifying software.  For most SMB’s they have a higher overall annual profit with high inefficiency compared to the annual profit with high efficiency operations with high-cost software.  WorkWeb is different than the 800-pound gorillas in the marketplace because WorkWeb customers have access to the enterprise class efficiency at a price built for the SMB.  WorkWeb customers end up with higher profits because of higher efficiency and a low-cost point.

WorkWeb is a best in class Professional Services Automation Software (PSA) | Enterprise Resource Planning Software (ERP) | Customer Relationship Management Plus Software (CRM+)

1st Demonstration:

Free feature for all customers of WorkWeb
-Connect your Website Contact Forms
-Build Records Automatically on WorkWeb CRM
-Trigger Workflows according to sequences you design

Question 1

Is your company fully dependent on Microsoft 365?

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