Opportunity Cost
Calculation of ROI includes considering what long term inefficiency will do to overall competitiveness in the 2020’s and beyond.
To really put the cost to reward picture into focus, a few big business questions need to be considered. Calculating the ROI of the platform requires some simple math and then some complex forward thinking.
What is the opportunity cost of not using WorkWeb Professional Services Automation Software?
What is the cost of not modernizing and automating in the 2020’s with an Enterprise Resource Planning Software (ERP)?
WorkWeb has a very strong ability to provide predicable and effective cost control for the software system itself. For small and mid-sized companies, the ROI is just a matter of a couple of customers per year more than without the system; if the question is very black and white. For small and mid-sized companies, the ROI is essentially the man-hours it takes to re-onboard and master the system vs. the man-hours saved by having a more operationally excellent organization plus the sales acceleration that follows.
Old Systems Retirement
Calculation of ROI includes removing other software tools from the cost budget line items.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Client Portal, Partner Portal, Vendor Portal, Industry Verticalization Functions, Project Management, Service & Asset Inventory, Dispatch, Ticketing, etc.
How many systems can be retired after migrating them into WorkWeb?
Increased Automation
Calculation of ROI is proportional to the customers engagement of Automation.
Optimizing WorkFlows saves man hours by the thousands and sometimes hundreds of thousands.
Optimizing WorkFlows by Automating what can be automated allows the team to shift gears and apply their precious human minds to greater cognitive challenges compared to the pre-adoption process and culture.
There are many line items of cost for technology throughout an organization, software systems among them. All technology deployments have a common application across the tech domain – technology increases satisfaction ratings and experience for one or more of these people that interact with the company organization: Customer, Partner, Vendor, Employee, Shareholders, Government. WorkWeb provides an institutional upgrade in experience satisfaction for the people that provide input, output and touch points for people and machines.
Digital Transformation has been a key word and call to pivot for many years, a trend that is and is expected to increase the pressure for change in an ever increasingly aggressive pace. WorkWeb provides companies with a unified data and workflow platform to maximize efficiency within a distributed workforce and assets. We encourage our customers to work with us to develop API’s to systems outside of the functional boundaries of WorkWeb.
WorkWeb increases the amount of real time unified data enterprise wide that is needed for a modern successful company for the 2020’s and beyond.
COVID increased the pressure to identify ways to modernize in a dramatic and unexpected way. WorkWeb customers benefit from not having to rely on as many server-based systems and data silos that are hard to access and or replicate in a digital virtualized environment.
Diverse User/Portal Access
Calculation of ROI is better Customer, Partner and Vendor Relationship satisfaction.
Customer, Partner & Vendor Portals help create trust and satisfaction.
Typically it is expensive and challenging to cobble together different systems for an integrated customer portal interaction. WorkWeb provides this in a seamless platform.
Opportunity Cost
Calculation of ROI includes considering what long term inefficiency will do to overall competitiveness in the 2020’s and beyond.
To really put the cost to reward picture into focus, a few big business questions need to be considered. Calculating the ROI of the platform requires some simple math and then some complex forward thinking.
What is the opportunity cost of not using WorkWeb Professional Services Automation Software?
What is the cost of not modernizing and automating in the 2020’s with an Enterprise Resource Planning Software (ERP)?
WorkWeb has a very strong ability to provide predicable and effective cost control for the software system itself. For small and mid-sized companies, the ROI is just a matter of a couple of customers per year more than without the system; if the question is very black and white. For small and mid-sized companies, the ROI is essentially the man-hours it takes to re-onboard and master the system vs. the man-hours saved by having a more operationally excellent organization plus the sales acceleration that follows.
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