Is Your Current Business Management Software Giving You a Headache?

  • Do you use too many spreadsheets?
  • Do you have disconnecting Data?
  • Disjointed Workflow Automation?
  • Is it challenging to be a master at too many software systems?
  • Are your documents in too many places?

Are you tired of the business friction caused by scattered customer, prospect, partner, and vendor information across multiple systems? Does the thought of your staff juggling numerous systems as expert administrators frustrate you? Are your processes bottlenecked by the need to navigate various software platforms for different business departments?

If these challenges sound familiar, we have the perfect solution to alleviate your pains, increase efficiency, and boost quality and profitability. It’s time to experience relief from those headaches.

I’m Brad Shilling, Co-Founder of Our platform is meticulously crafted as a unified software solution, equipped with tools spanning all departments. Our aim is to drastically reduce the number of disparate software tools required to drive your company’s goals and missions, all while providing unparalleled ease of use.

Why can I make such a bold statement?

I can confidently make such a bold statement because it’s a sentiment shared by almost every small business CEO

The truth is, when I speak with these CEO’s, they often admit that their current array of business management software systems falls short of meeting their desired standards for service and functionality. Consequently, they find themselves grappling with persistent challenges related to quality and efficiency. This situation leads to concerns that both their staff and customers are grappling with an insurmountable level of friction that appears unsolvable.

Isn't It Finally Time to Bid Farewell to Your Headaches?

Imagine a world where your business processes are seamlessly optimized, where challenges are met with tailored software solutions, and where headaches become a thing of the past. At, we don’t just offer consultants; we provide business process engineers who understand the intricacies of your operations.


Our skilled developers craft software-driven solutions that tackle your specific process challenges head-on. Say goodbye to frustration and inefficiencies. Say hello to streamlined operations and increased productivity. Let us transform your headaches into success stories.

A $1000 "Get-To-Know-Us" FREE GIFT

As a Prospective client, I’d Link to offer you a free, no-obligation, no-sales pressure software and process efficiency assessment that consists of an audit of the software systems you know are in place and the software and app tools that your staff might use that you are not aware of. Companies are shocked to learn about how many spreadsheets and other tools staff will use to help them achieve their missions.  Staff resourcefulness is great, except that it leaves data stranded in many different systems and folders which leads to a great deal of inefficiency and mistakes in a customer lifecycle. 


After all, it never hurts to get a competitive analysis and bid from a qualified third party – and this assessment is totally, completely free without obligation. 


The assessment can fit into a 60-minute conversation but usually ends up with questions and curiosities that leave some research tails open. Typically, we can get to a great report in 2 meetings, one as an opening discovery meeting to get a conversation started and gather top of mind information. The vast majority of clients that we work with end up wanting a second conversation to develop a little more information before a 3rd meeting to get into the details and see if there are potential efficiency gains that could be realized by adopting WorkWeb as a wide ranging business software toolset designed for all of your departments to use at the same time, thus reducing the number of systems in use and the number of spreadsheets that are required to drive a company and its customers forward.


Awaiting your response,


Brad Shilling

Cofounder and Growth Executive


P.S. Why risk it?  Our free business software and process efficiency assessment comes with zero strings attached, no expectations and no obligations on your part.  If nothing else, it will be a good third-party validation of how well your systems are currently performing.

How well do you know your software?

Take this quiz to find out!

How can you tell if your software systems are inefficient or substandard?  How do you know if your IT company, team, or ‘guy’ or ‘gal’ is able to secure and backup all data and unify the systems so data silos do not drift from one another?  If your team does NOT score a “yes” on every point, you could be paying for substandard systems and support that jeopardize your data security and cohesiveness.


  • Do you have an over abundance of software tools?
  • Would you like to reduce the spreadsheets that you use?
  • Do you need an affordable point solution?
  • Do your managers and staff want more cohesive data throughout the organization?
  • Do you want to scale up?
  • Do you want to increase annual revenue or stay flat?
  • Do you want to achieve better, faster results?
  • Do you want to make data driven decisions?
  • Do you need a tool set that you don’t have today?
  • Do you want to reduce any inefficiency?
  • Do you want to become 25% or more efficient within six months?
  • Do you want a 37% increase in customer satisfaction scores in six months?
  • Do you want a net profit increase of 16% within six months?
  • Do you want fewer commissions disputes?

Question 1

Is your company fully dependent on Microsoft 365?

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